Cards and boards
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Level contents

0:01 Number cards 1 to 7
A set of numeral, word and ten frame diagram cards for the numbers 1 to 7 can be used for matching, games like Concentration and Grab and recognition.
0:02 Number cards 8 to 14
A set of numeral, word and ten frame diagram cards for the numbers 8 to 14 can be used for recognition, matching and games.
0:03 Number cards 15 to 20
The numeral, word and ten frame diagram are shown on individual cards for the numbers from 15 to 20 and could be used for identification, matching and in games.
0:04 Money and Base 10 blocks cards
Pictures of the Australian coins and a Base ten long and short are shown with the dollar and cent symbols all on individual cards. Name cards are provided for each picture.
0:05 Measurement and position cards
A picture and a language card are provided for the areas of length (hand span), volume (full, half full, empty, more, less) and position (inside, outside or next to, nearer, further away).
0:06 2D shapes cards
The square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval, hexagon, star, diamond, octagon and pentagon shapes and their names are provided on individual cards.
0:07 Number cards 0 to 19
The numbers 0 to 19 are written for use in making larger numbers, ordering numbers and playing games.